Ideas for Vusion Manager

A global variable set for Vusion API

As you may know there are several countries (like Turkey) which are using daily exchange currency rate or showing bank loan option with installments and interest rate or brand messages during national holidays/special discount days("Happy New year","Happy Vallentine's Day" or "Great clearence").

We can put these information in templates but updating templates and deploying setings from studio in daily/even weekly basis is not a practical solution.

Submiting same information for each item in daily basis is also creating huge data traffic load for big stores if you consider 6-10 k items for each store.

So our question; is it possible to create a set of global variables that can be push by API call and we can use that information for all items instead of sending same information for every each item or changing templates in everyday. It could be in same structure as "custom fields" like;

"globalVars": {

"eurExchangeRate": 8.45,

"bankInterestRate": 0.18,

"brandMessage1": "Thank you for keeping social distance"



And we can call it from template as example in a text field;

function value(article, label, globalVars){

return globalVars.brandMessage1;


Thank you

  • Guest
  • Feb 19 2021
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 05, 2021 08:09

    Dear Customer,

    Thank you for posting this idea.

    This idea is very interesting but unfortunately today it is not a priority on our side. However, I will keep you informed as soon as there is change.

