VLink should contain summary page of the basic store level information (# of labels in store, statuses and connectivy issues with drill down options.
Reasoning: stores are not using backend systems nor desktops but are working in floor level with PDA:s and thus easy access to store personnell should be granted.
Dear customer,
We have launched in October a new functionality in VLInk named "Store Check". This application gives the list of offline /unreachable labels and also bad battery labels to replace. You can also replace the label directly at the shelf and change it with a new label. This new feature is available with asset Management. Try it !
Don't hesitate to come back to me should you have any question on this new functionality.
Vlink would be the more suitable tool instead of Vusion Manager as store specific visibility on floor level for hand held devices is needed. It’s important that only summary of one store is shown for the user. Ownership of stores varies and the mandatory requirement is to limit visibility per store. VLink has a store specific configuration in place – in VManager there is no such a limitation option available as far we know.
Use cases – just to mention some:
- Store personnel would see the list of offline labels (connectivity issues) and could then be able to improve connectivity / do re-linking / even switch the label if needed on floor level with the help of the same VLink app – and check if the price in label is OK or not (as per POS system). This activity requires that user is physically near to the label and thus Vlink App would be more handy than any desktop solutions.
- Store personnel would see the need for the battery replacement and would be able to find the problematic labels while working at floor level.
- For asset management / inventory reasons there is a need to get information of the labels at store (number and types)
Good afternoon,
Thank you for this idea.
To better understand you needs and optimize the development of such feature, can you please give us some use case that you wish to realize with this ?
Who will use this functionality, in what cases, what can the user do / or not ?
Thanks you very much for your feedback, if this is better for you, we can arrange a quick meeting on this.