Alert when transmission of new picture to ESL failed
for a month we had no pice update on an ESL. in the log we see "transmission failed". for dedicated messages you should be able to alert a person about this bad behavior.
Thank you for posting this idea but we have decided not to implement it. There is already an automatic retry that is performed when a transmission fails and you can see it in the label timeline of through API in the correlations.
Dear Pascal,
We are doing a retry every time the labels go from offline to online.
You should contact your support team to check your network coverage in the store.
Dear Emmanuelle,
where can I see the retry mechanism? Not in our cloud environment... I sent an example to support.
11:32 am - picture transmission failed
2:17 pm - next try to transmit the picture - failed again
2:54 pm - next try - fail
3:54 pm - picture transmission succeeded
What is the period in which you retry? Where can I check - or change it?
We need a proper retry - every minute. It's not production-ready if retry happens only every few hours (!!).
Thanks for clarification.
Dear customers,
Thank you for posting this idea but we have decided not to implement it. There is already an automatic retry that is performed when a transmission fails and you can see it in the label timeline of through API in the correlations.
Hi Guest.
My Japanese customer found a similar phenomenon.
I'm not sure if our case is same as you, but let me describe what we found as below.
When a user tries to send base 64 image by using POST /labels/pages API and it fails, V:Cloud does not retry image transmission.
And we were told by the support that the above behavior is the current implementation.
Therefore the only thing we could do was developing a tool that perform the retry of image transmission.