Ideas for Vusion Manager

Alert when transmission of new picture to ESL failed

for a month we had no pice update on an ESL. in the log we see "transmission failed". for dedicated messages you should be able to alert a person about this bad behavior.

  • Guest
  • Oct 5 2021
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2021 16:17

    Dear Pascal,

    We are doing a retry every time the labels go from offline to online.

    You should contact your support team to check your network coverage in the store.



  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2021 10:22

    Dear Emmanuelle,

    where can I see the retry mechanism? Not in our cloud environment... I sent an example to support.

    11:32 am - picture transmission failed

    2:17 pm - next try to transmit the picture - failed again

    2:54 pm - next try - fail

    3:54 pm - picture transmission succeeded

    What is the period in which you retry? Where can I check - or change it?

    We need a proper retry - every minute. It's not production-ready if retry happens only every few hours (!!).

    Thanks for clarification.


  • Guest commented
    October 18, 2021 07:55

    Dear customers,

    Thank you for posting this idea but we have decided not to implement it. There is already an automatic retry that is performed when a transmission fails and you can see it in the label timeline of through API in the correlations.



  • Guest commented
    October 06, 2021 09:07

    Hi Guest.

    My Japanese customer found a similar phenomenon.

    I'm not sure if our case is same as you, but let me describe what we found as below.

    When a user tries to send base 64 image by using POST /labels/pages API and it fails, V:Cloud does not retry image transmission.

    And we were told by the support that the above behavior is the current implementation.

    Therefore the only thing we could do was developing a tool that perform the retry of image transmission.