Ideas for Vusion Manager

More functionality to the auto deploy of store configs in VManager

We have hundreds of stores in VCloud/VManager. Some of the stores use different language settings. At the moment, you can choose all of the stores to auto deploy but its not possible pick out the ones you don't want to have the auto deploy on and the only solution is to pick every single store by hand (stores that you want to include to the settings auto deploy). To be able to exclude the stores you dont want to have the auto deploy on, would be a very useful functionality.

  • Guest
  • Oct 26 2021
  • Accepted
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 08, 2021 12:34

    Dear Juuso,

    Thank you for this idea.

    Actually, we had a similar feature planned for Q1 2022 which is meant to be able to exclude stores from the auto-deploy. I think, it is similar to your idea.

