Ideas for Vusion Manager

Add operation that returns the tags that an antenna has

Within the same centre, which has different antennas, I have had to look at the label to see which antenna it is associated with. If we had an API operation where we could enter the id of the antenna and the centre where it would return all the associated tags, it would help me a lot in my daily work.

Also, if you like the idea, you could use this operation to indicate it as another column in the manager inside the labels tab.

Best regards,

Juanvi Ruiz

  • Guest
  • Nov 5 2021
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 09, 2021 11:52


    This process covers our needs. Thank you for your time and support us.

    Best regards,

    Juanvi Ruiz

  • Guest commented
    November 09, 2021 09:44

    Dear customer,

    Thank you very much for your comment. Actually this feature exists and you can retrieve these data through API or through the GUI.

    1) with API POST labels/search (/!\ VUSION Manager Pro API only /!\) :

    query: {
    bool: {
    must: [{ term: { 'transmitterId': transmitterId } }],
    pageSize: 10,
    page: 1

    2) With the GUI: see picture attached.


    Emmanuelle Benferhat

    Software Product Manager