Ideas for Vusion Manager

Switching to ON/OFF of NFC mode

I think V:Link should be able to switch ON/OFF of NFC scanning for iPhone.

My customer use our Bluetooth barcode reader with V:Link.

I would be happy if I could turn off NFC scanning in config of V:Link.

  • Guest
  • Nov 19 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 29, 2021 13:00

    Dear Emmanuelle

    Thank you very much.

    I think that in order to make VLINK better, need to improve the VLink camera or recommend to connect a Bluetooth barcode reader.

    Because the Vlink camera doesn't read easily barcode

    If Bluetooth is recommended, it will be easier to use if Vlink can turn off NFC.

    Also, I think the hint is that NFC "can" turn off in the "unlink screen" (but cannot turn on in the link screen).

    Thank you.

    I and My Customer are a fan of Vlink.


  • Guest commented
    November 29, 2021 12:39

    Dear customer,

    Thank you for this idea and we need to study this feasibility.

    I'll come back to you when we have a better visibility on the technical feasibility of it.

