It would be convienent to have an icon, or a button into the item list to show which one are linked to a label and which are not. As in the previous Jeegy System.
Now we have to enter every one item to see if there is a label or no. It would simplify the search a lot.
Hi, I haven't seen those filters so thanks for your help. I still think a visual icon on the list would be a plus because you have to click on every type of esl one by on e on the filter and it's not efficient or accurate. It would be a plus to have a select all button. I hope it's in the new release.
Dear customer,
Thank you for your email.
Today, we already have this functionality available in the filters on the left of the table (check the image attached).
We are going to improve this filter by the next release (January release) so it can be more lisible but you will be able to view filter your list by matched items or not.
I hope this answers your needs, don't hesitate to come back to me should you have any question,
Software Product Manager