When migrating from Jeegy / Core Service to V:Cloud, you have to unlock all the labels before if you use en encryptionPassphrase. That makes it inconvinient. Add the option to unlock labels in the cloud
Thank you for this idea. We understand the needs and we are going to study the best way to do this and the technical implication. I'll keep you informed when we have more information.
Dear customer,
I am coming back to you on this topic. After a technical feasibility review we have decided not to implement this feature.
Only our support team is allowed to unlock labels. You will need to raise a ticket to them in case you are in this need.
Thank you for your understanding,
Emmanuelle Benferhat
Dear customer,
Thank you for this idea. We understand the needs and we are going to study the best way to do this and the technical implication. I'll keep you informed when we have more information.
Software Product Manager