Ideas for Vusion Manager

Copying the settings of the field to other layout

The need is to have a technical capability to duplicate the settings Style and Text of the fields of one layout to the other layouts. The copying has to result to the identical location of the fields and identical settings of the fields in both layouts.

Additionally, we need to duplicate the settings Style and Text of all fields from particular layout to the similar layout to other version.

Currently, the update work we do manually requires enormous time and people resources. Additionally, the end result contains mistakes in settings and the efficiency of the update work is low.

  • Guest
  • Jun 6 2022
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 24, 2022 12:26

    Dear customer,

    Thank you for your idea and sorry for the delay of my reply.

    This functionality already exists. When you are on a label display, you can Ctrl + E, this will open a pop-up with a JS code. You can copie this code and paste it on a new display.

    I hope this will help,

