Dear Aha team,
I reported LLLS-4510 "[VManager] Cannot search chinese and Japanese store name normally."
Nojima found they cannot search store name normally after V:Manager update on July 19.
I reconfirmed with the PSSJand PM again that before update it is fine.
They alwasys use Japanese to do the search. And no need to enter widlcard(*) in front
PM says she often use "新宿" to search nojima_jp.202 to check V:Rail status
After V:Manager update on July 19.
If they use two or more characters to do the search, there were no result.
For example, the store nick name is “001_相模原本店”
Search “相” or “本” can find the store,
But search “相模原“ or “本店” cannot fnd any result.
What customer wants is that can use “相模原“ to find nojima_jp.001 again.
Thanks very much
Dear customer,
After internal search, your feedback seems to be an internal bug. I have opened a ticket, we will try to correct it for the next cloud release in September.
Dear customer,
Thank you for this idea.
If I understand correctly, before the 19th of July, you were able to search stores without using "**" and now it does not work anymore.
We are going to investigate this point and come back to you once we have more elements.