Ideas for Vusion Manager

If we can add a link of our app in VLink.

Hello AHA team.

We will create new ESL LED app.

If we can add a link of our app in VLink, customers can go to our app eazyly.

For example, I would be happy if VCloud manager could set our favorite URL links in the VLink.

For example.

VLink setting in VManager.


Your app Name : URL to ESL Flash App.

Your app URL :


IN Vlink homepage


=URL to ESL Flash App.=

👆We can go to URL with push button.

This opens the way for collaboration with multiple apps.



  • Guest
  • Dec 12 2022
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 23, 2023 08:50

    Dear Masui san,

    Thank you for this idea.

    We do not plan for now to add such feature on VLink app. However, I will keep your idea in mind for a future version of VLink.

