Ideas for Vusion Manager

Please provide a delay not only for AP but also for BO file errors.

Hello AHA team.

Thank you for your supporting everyday.

◆ Problems

Today, an email will be sent each time an error occurs in the BO file.

However, there are errors that "SUCCESS" after an error occurs.

Customer's checking are wasted.

◆ Solution

Currently, for AP offline, you can set your desired time to delay the notification.

Please add similar to this mechanism when an error occurs in the BO file.

for example,

Now: An error occurred → resolved after 5 minutes.

Sending emails → customer have to do unnecessary work

Ideal: Error occurred → resolved after 5 minutes

email is not sent

→ Customers do not have to do unnecessary work

I would appreciate it if you could consider it.



  • Guest
  • Aug 4 2023
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 10, 2023 07:23

    Dear Masui san,

    Thank you for your idea and sorry for this late response.

    Today it seems very difficult to implement this idea as we don't know on our side if an other BO file is coming or not. We do not have a scheduled check of BO file, we send the email alerts when we receive a file only.

    This is why we will not implement this idea.



  • Guest commented
    September 08, 2023 08:33

    Hello AHA team

    Pseudo BO alert email notifications occur several times a month and confuse customers.

    What is the status of your consideration?

  • Guest commented
    August 23, 2023 02:28

    Hello All,

    I just add some clarification about this new feature

    Still need someone else to answer to Masui-san

    They want to avoid the situation that the bo file has been executed correctly, but they receive an alert mail

  • Guest commented
    August 07, 2023 02:38

    The Jira ticket is LLLS-6876

    Discussion mail is attached

    What I told to Masui-san is

    " L3 checked “nojima_jp.151_230724.csv” of nojima_jp.151 and found its root cause.

    Sometimes there was an Azure problem that happened to the particular store and integration was failed.

    SES has responded to Microsoft, but this cannot be 100% avoided.

    So, SES has a remedial mechanism, Azure tells us that the bo file integration failed, and we will automatically retry

    But just before the retry, the alert mail has been sent.

    Last July 6th, nojima_jp.116_230706.csv in nojima_jp.116 was a more extreme case

    The SES system automatically retried three times before successfully integrating the bo file

    So, nojima received three alert mails, but finally succeeded

    When the integration fails, we don't know whether the integration will be successful later, so the alert mail still needs to be sent

    We can only ask customers to change their minds. Receiving an alert mail only means that the integration failure has occurred, and it does not mean that the integration is not completed at present. Most of the integration is successful after automatic retry."