Ideas for Vusion Manager

Multiple unmatch/Delete in Manager

Upload a list from csv file and delete with one click or be able to add multiple esl-id to list(or scan into a list) so that you can choose delete/ unmatch or refresh ect. In Jeegy you could go to dissasociate and scan all id's one by one with no other interactions

  • Guest
  • Sep 29 2023
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 06, 2023 13:39

    Dear Customer,

    Thank you for posting this idea. As Cristian Sandu explain, this functionnality is too risky to be implemented.

    Our recommendations are:

    • You can use VLink application and scan all the concerns labels in a row by choosing "Unmatching" instead of "Matching"

    • You can do it through APIs

    • You can select multiple ESLs in Manager but yes you will be limited to 500 from the interface.

    I hope that this information will hep,



  • Guest commented
    October 02, 2023 07:32

    Hello, I've posted about this in the past and the colleagues from SES Imagotag told me they can't make it so we could delete all ESL's (more than 500) out of the Manager at a time, due to not wanting to risk the deletion of thousands in stores.

    If, however, your post is about adding a .csv file into the V:Manager, in the Labels Tab, upper right corner you have an icon that lets you upload the list of ESLs into the Manager. As well, to delete ESL's or dissociate / refresh / flash them in high quantities, you should first set Elements per page to 500, then select all and proceed with your tasks.