In the API:
- https://api-eu.vusion.io/vusion-pro/v1/stores/mercadona_es/events
If in the search you search for the following value: modifications.newValue.connectivity.status:OFFLINE
will never return anything, because one of the fields(connectivity.status) is poorly formatted in JSON, since a "." which in JSON language means object jump. If you can correct it please.
I leave you an example of the call so you can see that the field is poorly defined:
"modificationDate": "2023-11-10T10:17:52.356Z",
"correlationId": "TRANSMITTER_CONNECTIVITY.7339299f-f76b-4789-8f9e-dfef6cdf6a18|7339299f-f76b-4789-8f9e-dfef6cdf6a18.550284",
"storeId": "mercadona_es.3031",
"message": "Transmitter 550284 connectivity status change from ONLINE to OFFLINE",
"modifications": {
"newValue": {
"connectivity.status": "OFFLINE"
I think you need to use /stores/{storeId}/labels for this.
There is a connectivity object and you can search for the offline status