Ideas for Vusion Manager

[Bug]Even though the BO file integration was successful, it may continue to display "Failed".

One day, the BO file integration was displayed as "failed" at 26 Nojima stores, and the manager sent an alert email to the customer.

When the customer checked VCloud for this store, it was displayed as "Failed" and contacted support.

However, the response I received from support was surprising.

Support told me that the integration was actually successful, it was just displayed incorrectly.

When I conveyed this to Nojima, they were quite disappointed that they had lost so much time.

This happens about once a month, and when we asked support to fix it, they said they should list it here.

If the integration of the BO file is successful, could you please fix it so that it correctly displays success instead of displaying failure?

The reason why this error occurs is as follows support email.


When 236 BO files to every single store -> some of them get error and retry -> update event status of the store after retrying

When one BO file to all stores -> converted to 236 requests in sever -> some of the stores get error and retry -> NOT update event status of that store after retrying

We think this is part of the mechanism

Not an issue

The file in problem this time is "nojima_jp_20231130_update_FLG.txt"

Which is "one BO file to all stores"

The processing failed in 26 stores, so 26 alert mails were sent.

Then they all will be processed successfully by retry immediately.

Due to the mechanism

V:Manager's event integration content is not updated to success

We created CA#00486008 for this case which happened on 11/30


  • Guest
  • Dec 8 2023
  • Bug
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    13 Feb 08:51

    Dear Masui san,

    This portal is dedicated to new ideas only, we do not manage bugs here. Bugs are handled by the support team and need to follow the standard process.



  • Guest commented
    13 Feb 00:28

    Hello AHA team

    This issue continues to occur and is causing great stress to our customers.

    What is the status of it's consideration?

  • Guest commented
    02 Feb 04:32

    I created Jira ticket LLLS-8359 - "Bo file is processed correctly, but the events of V:Manager show Failure"

    This ticket integrates all previous Jira tickets for V:Manager display wrong