Ideas for Vusion Manager

Update battery status

We are confronted more and more with the complaints from our Edeka stores that the time between the battery exchange and the update in V:Manager is too long (up to 9 days). It is incomprehensible to the market owners why the update takes so long and it is also not practical.

Therefore, we would appreciate if you could implement a task that can be executed after battery replacement to get a new battery status right after the battery exchange. The task should be allowed on one store, and it should be only allowed to be executed from Retail Chains Admins. Moreover, it would be great if the task run only on Labels with bad battery.

Task should be able to be set recurrently

  • Guest
  • Feb 8 2024
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    • Guest commented
      15 Aug 21:12

      I would also like to see battery status in in the retail chain dashboard. Currently we have to check store by store

    • Admin
      Emmanuelle BENFERHAT commented
      15 May 10:16

      Dear customer,

      Thank you for your idea.

      We are currently working on a technical improvement on this topic. I hope I can be back with new elements soon.


    • Guest commented
      13 Feb 05:00

      Hello Heiko
      Our customer had same issue in Japan.

      SES can set new update settings for Battery check.

      We can update battery status into 2 days.

      I think you should ask the support team!